The Riso Apprentice - the journey continues
Hello again, I am now halfway through my internship here at Riso Pop and I’ve already learned so much. I think it’s about time that I gave you a little update on what I have been doing.
Last week on the 22nd of October, we launched an open call community project called RISO3D. It has been a grand journey for me and Aafke as we have been developing the project since the beginning of the year. When new restrictions were being put in place every few weeks, we have had to chop and change the form of the project. But, I am happy to say that I’m very proud of what we have made so far.
Below is a short explanation of the RISO3D project, followed by some ‘behind the scenes’ content regarding some of the challenges we have run into.
What is RISO3D?
RISO3D will be an installation of hanging, 3D, geometric riso prints. We are inviting people to purchase packages to design and create their very own world using one of three templates. The designs will then be riso printed and folded here at Riso Pop. And finally, installed in the De Bouwput gallery space in the west of Amsterdam. The installation will be a unique, suspended universe of vibrant, colourful forms, designed by creative people across the globe.
The essential aim of the project is to connect people in a new and unique way during a time that we all have to do our best to stay apart. We are also aware that as we approach the winter months, we will all be spending more time indoors in our own small worlds. RISO3D aims to invite people to collaborate with us from the comfort of their homes. Using this opportunity to get creative and contribute a unique piece of art to a global community installation.
The Challenges
Proposal Spread (Installation Concept Sketches)
There have been many challenges to overcome in the development of RISO3D, we have had to be realistic with what we can achieve and we have been prepared to adapt throughout the process.
When we first decided on an installation project, we thought we would hold the exhibition in the Riso Pop studio. We wanted to host workshops where we would show people how to make their own 3D Riso Print. Then, we imagined a buzzing opening night with lots of people walking around, interacting and enjoying the artwork in its physical form. But, it was not necessarily meant to be… the studio was too small for the new restrictions and we didn’t want to put anyone at risk.
Proposal Spread (Research and Inspiration)
We spent a lot of time thinking about how we could create that same vibe, without having to bring everyone physically together. We wanted the whole installation to be documented somewhere that the contributors could be proud of.
So, Aafke dived deep into her network connections and spoke to many people in the city of Amsterdam, to see if we could find a suitable space. We eventually reached JJ Wilson, who offered us a time slot at De Bouwput. After we put a proposal together, it was officially accepted and when we finally visited the venue… we thought this is perfect!
We have plans for a very small opening event over 2 days so people can come and see it in person. Plus, we will have a range of photographic and video coverage of the entire event. However, we knew that not everyone could attend. So, we have made special packages available. The Galaxy and Planetary packages include 5 surprise designs from the contributing artists, that people can construct and hang at home, making their very own mini installation.
We are delighted that we have found so many ways to bring the RISO3D project to life for everyone involved.
What have I Learned?
A good network is essential.
If it wasn't for Aafkes wonderful network of creative friends, we may not have such exciting plans for the installation. It's really important to make good relationships with people working around you. Be kind, and don’t be afraid to ask for help, you never know what people can offer you in times of need.
I also enjoyed pulling an exhibition proposal together for RISO3D because I wanted to show my pride and belief in the project. I’ve never really made anything like it before and it's one of my favourite achievements of my time here. I’m excited that we will be able to share the work in the best way possible and I can't wait for everyone to see!
Welcome Guide Spread (Riso Printing Basics)
So much to do! Plan, plan, plan!
There is so much more that goes into a project like this than you would initially think. Even I was guilty of thinking it’s going to be easy. Everything from creating all the social media content, making clear instructions or remembering to include a copyright disclaimer, takes up time and energy.
Working with Aafke has been fantastic as we make plans at the start of every day and we communicate a lot in order to get jobs done. Even when we don’t manage to tick everything off at the end of the day we make sure our priorities are in the correct place. Then we try again tomorrow.
It has been eye-opening to be a kind of creative director for the project and has given me a fantastic insight into hosting collaborative events for the future.
Thank you for reading my thoughts so far. You’ll be hearing plenty more about this project in the next few weeks. I can’t wait to see everyone’s submissions and, I’m looking forward to getting them printed. If you haven’t grabbed yourself a package you can do so here. The deadline for submissions (8th of November) is just a week away from now but in case you can’t make the deadline you can still purchase a Planetary package.
Keep your eyes on the RisoPop social media channels for more information on the opening event.