Chugga Press - Riso in Manchester

Chugga Press - Riso in Manchester

It’s so nice how you can get in touch with other Riso studio’s through instagram! I had planned this summer to go on a big trip and visit a few (of course we all know what happened: starts with C and ends with OVID).

During the lockdown I decided we could also do this online - So, I got to chat with Greg Meade from Chugga Press, in Manchester, through Skype.


Chugga Press & Starting Out

My first question was why did Greg start a riso printing studio? "It was all about the mystery", he says. We both agreed on how it is hard to find about the process and to have access to an actual printer. Greg describes it as a “well guarded secret”.

“People weren’t very open with sharing information, I had to learn from scratch, knowing nothing about the machine and its physical operation ” he says “ but riso is getting more popular. My aim for the studio is for me to be able to share my knowledge openly and really transparently”

Just like with his linocut work, Greg enjoys getting involved with the process, and this is what he likes best of printing with the Risograph. During the last year, he has been experimenting with different projects, with the aim of printing a riso book on Amsterdam School Architecture by blending analogue techniques with digital.

Het Schip.jpg

Chugga Press main business is to print for others. He tells me he likes to see the reaction of people to their prints and the excitement of the process in general. But it is also tricky to manage expectations. “You do have to explain more the downsides than the positive sides. There’s so many nuances and limits to riso that it can feel like you are underselling it a bit!”

Tips for those starting out

Patience! Be prepared for a lot of learning (and expenses) There's so much set-up wise to consider that you have to remember each time, that it's easy to make mistakes and be quite wasteful, which you don't want to be! You can’t expect instant results despite the seemingly spontaneous nature of the process!

Dream Projects

Some of the dream projects Greg would like to do with the riso printer are labels such as for gin bottles or beer cans and custom CD packaging for small bands. I can’t wait to see these!

More about Chugga Press

Chugga Press Offers:

  • Printing Services

  • One-on-one Riso session

  • Upcoming: Workshops!

  • Colours Available:
    Black, Blue, Fluorescent Pink, Yellow & Metallic Gold

Get inspired by the lovely instagram account @chuggapress

And you can see more of Gregs work at

As we finish our chat with a laugh, we have to both agree that even today, it is still exciting to press the green button of the Risograph.

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More About 'What I am Not' - Zine Project (Part II)

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Introduction to 'What I am Not' - Zine Project