Coffee & Riso Vol. 1 - Joline's Sunrise and Sunset — Riso Pop

Riso Pop will be closed as we move to our new location - We’ll be back in April!

Coffee & Riso Vol. 1 - Joline's Sunrise and Sunset

Coffee & Riso Vol. 1 - Joline's Sunrise and Sunset

2020 has begun! and one of the collaboration projects at Riso Pop had its debut last week: Coffee & Riso!

A quick introduction to this project: Creatives are invited (illustrator, graphic designer, artists) to join me at the studio for a cup of coffee, we have a nice chat, and together we print one of their works with the risograph! The print run is limited and you can purchase some of the prints through the studio - which in turn covers the costs for the next Coffee & Riso.


Last week I had my first guest, Dutch graphic designer Joline Hyuer. I was bit nervous as Joline was the first person to join me at the studio. But with the first cup of coffee and some petting of Tjido, the studio dog, we were already chatting about all kinds of stuff!

When Joline got in touch with me, I looked at her recent work and immediately knew it would work perfectly with Riso. Joline’s illustrations are graphic and based on bold shapes and contrasting colours.

“The design I choose is simple but strong. In the digital version, the colours where very vibrant, and I wanted to recreate that effect. Riso is of course perfect for this!”

After making a decision on what colours to use and create the appropriate files, we started printing. The machine at the studio makes it possible to print 2 colours at the same time. Therefore the first output was a 2 colour print without the blue background. And like it often happens in a creative process, this created a new option: why not keep half the prints without a background? Sunrise & Sunset.


“This printing technique has surprised me by its countless possibilities”


Sunrise & Sunset by Joline

25 print run
A4 size - Biotop 160gms
2 Colour print: Fluo Pink & Yellow
3 Colour print: Fluo Pink, Yellow & Blue

You can find Joline’s work on instagram as @jollystories

Would you like to purchase one of the prints or both? Get in touch while we set up the shop! :D
Are you an artist interested in Coffee & Riso? Get in touch!

Visiting SARA in Mexico City

Visiting SARA in Mexico City