Coffee & Riso Vol.2 - JJ's Magician

Coffee & Riso Vol.2 - JJ's Magician

Last week I had the pleasure of having a new friend join the Coffee & Riso project!

Johnathan (or JJ ) is a US born illustrator who just recently moved to Amsterdam. He’s been living in Shanghai for 4.5 years working as art teacher.  He actually got in touch with me through instagram before moving to here with his girlfriend, during quick visit to the city they dropped by to the studio and there was a nice click between us.

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His passion for Riso printing began a year ago while working on an exhibition in China. It was the first time he printed his illustrations in risography and got intersted in it. Later he not only did prints but also started a small zine collective and drawing events.

I like Riso because I used to work in silk screen and Riso was a similar process; but I could get a wider range of colours and it leant itself more to my illustration style. 

Johnathan’s illustration is inspired by fantasy and illustration books from his childhood, such as: Richard Scarry and then later on comic artist Farel Dalrymple .  For the Coffee & Riso date, JJ brought his version of ‘The Magician’ tarot card (a project he’s currently working on) to be printed in a soft blue and pink.

The result is this lovely print that feels as if it has a ‘washed-out’ effect. I personally love the line work and all the small details.


JJ is currently working on his graphic novel as well as a series of tarot cards. I’m sure you will see more of his work popping up in Amsterdam!

You can find his work on his instagram @thefinalbaws

Did you like this print and you would like to support the Coffee & Riso Project?

You can buy this print via the @riso_pop instagram!
Limited Edition of 20 prints,
2 Colours: Fluo Pink & Blue
Printed on a 160gms biotop paper.
€10- (+shipping costs)

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