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Dia de los Muertos Special - Intro to Riso & Zine making

As the end of October draws near, in Mexico, my beloved homeland, preparations for the grand celebration of the Day of the Dead are on their way! It's a joyous occasion where families come together to honor the memory of their departed loved ones and to revel in the beauty of life. Rest assured, it's a celebration of love and remembrance!

Join us this Thursday evening to delve into the heartwarming traditions of this festival and craft your unique tribute to those we hold dear. This workshop offers an introduction to Risograph printing and the craft of zine-making.

What to expect?

During this evening we will be making and printing a foldout A4 zine (leporello). Using photographs, collage and text you will be creating a page that will be part of this collective zine.

You will learn how the risogrpah printer works and will be creating a design on A4 with two colours.

You will go home with a collection of everyone’s prints bound in a leporello zine, as well as 10 copies of your print.

Come and celebrate this Mexican tradition with us!

No previous experience needed.

Dia de Muertos - Intro to Riso & Zine making
Costs: €50

- 3 hrs workshop
- All the necessary materials to work on your design
- High quality printing paper
- Templates to prepare at home
- 10 prints with 2 colours of your own design on A4 size,
- A collaborative zine to take home,
- Refreshments & traditional Mexican snacks.

Max 6 people