Finding the POP during corona times

Finding the POP during corona times

Like other studio’s around the world, Riso Pop has been affected by COVID-19 (or Corona). Some fellow studios have had to close their door until further notice as lockdown in their countries are more stringent. Here in Amsterdam we are lucky we’re allowed to go out. That said, it feels strange to go out every day; I haven’t actually done that. I've only left my house when strictly necessary.

The first few weeks of the lockdown were quite stressful, as many workshops had to be postponed, not knowing when I can again open the doors for groups of people and if supplies were still available and paying rent.

But in between all these swirls of doubt, creativity also finds it way:

  • Online Workshops: could I offer the workshops temporarily online? Most people prefer to see the machine in real life; but for now, how about a live video? Saturday will be the first.

  • Community Project: starting a community zine called: 3 Week Indoors. A great success! There are 3 volumes of the zine, one per week!

  • Products & Online shop: it’s not exactly a result of ‘corona’ but I wasn’t much in a hurry before to set this up, as I am now.

  • Visiting the studio limited times. Really going for productivity those days! And the days that I don’t go, the prints can dry beautifully before adding new layers.

  • having more time for new products, colour charts etc.


It’s not ideal. But its working, and as this lockdown continues this will slowly become the new status quo.

I’m open for more ideas if you’d like to share any in the comments below! And thank you for all of you who keep supporting the studio.

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