A Window Into Spring

A Window Into Spring


To conclude our Open Studio spring event, we are in the process of making this collaborative zine that will record all 106 entries of our open call, printed in 4 colours and spiral bound at the studio.

An exciting publication showcasing many interpretations of spring in a variety of styles! We are planning on having this zine printed by the end of the month.

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Once you buy the pre-sale zine you will be the first to get a copy once the zine is printed and bound!
We will also add some extra goodies to thank you for your support.

My Garden mygarden(2024)-03.png

My Garden

Point of Departure pointofdeparture-2.png

Point of Departure

Befriending Butterflies butterflyzine2.png

Befriending Butterflies

My Mictlan - Chapter One mymictlan02.jpg

My Mictlan - Chapter One
