My Mictlan - Chapter One - Zine

My Mictlan - Chapter One - Zine


Five years after my mothers death, I went back to Mexico, a place of traditions, taboos and buried stories, in search of closure. This became a journey that questioned how far was I willing to go, to find more about the mother I had lost, and what would it take for me to let her go.

First chapter of the graphic novel in progress: My Mictlan by Aafke Mertens.

This is a two colour riso zine, printed on Biotop 120gsm with details on IBO paper.
The 24 pages are hand bound with a saddle stitch to complete this small edition of 35 zines.

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What I am Not Zine 828727FC-7B2A-402A-9CE9-B9ACF2AD0B74.JPG

What I am Not Zine

A Window Into Spring zine_pages.png

A Window Into Spring

Ik Mis Mexico - Recetario recetario_pagina3_sq.png

Ik Mis Mexico - Recetario

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Commuting Zine - Issey Medd

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De vogels ("The birds")
